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A Day of Remembrance

As America recovers from the devastating physical and emotional effects of the recent coronavirus, many may relish the opportunity to enjoy the three day weekend sans quarantine restrictions. Before heading to the beach, hitching up that boat, or firing up that grill we encourage you to take a moment to reflect on the meaning behind the day. In this country, we have three specific days throughout the year in which we have an opportunity to think about the magnificent sacrifice so many men and women are willing to make in service of their country and their countrymen. These days are differentiated by the purpose of their reflection and gratitude.

Veteran’s Day, celebrated each November 11th and formerly referred to as Armistice Day, is our opportunity to thank the men and women who served our country in uniform. Armed Forces Day, celebrated the third Saturday of May, is our opportunity to thank the men and women who are currently serving our country in uniform. Memorial Day, celebrated the last Monday of May, is a day of reflective gratitude in which we honor the men and women who laid down their lives while serving our country in uniform. Each of us either knows or is an individual whom served their country with selfless courage and fortitude.

This Memorial Day rather than thank a veteran for their service express the following instead “I honor your brethren whom laid down their lives to defend my liberties; their sacrifice and story shall never be forgotten”.

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